Benefits to register as a Legal Consultant with Legal Room

a) Receive your consultation and masterclasses fees online
b) Opportunity to receive your consultation and Legal Empowerment fees online whilst working from
anywhere! Work from anywhere
c) Flexibility to consult from anywhere without wasting productive and personal time!

Register Here
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Consultant's Name
1 year, 2 year, 3 year,4 year
Services previously Offered?
Registering for... (select all that apply)
Permission & Agreement
Legal room will take a percentage of the money that the client is willing to offer
I agree to the following charge:
Work from anywhere

Flexibility to consult from anywhere without wasting productive and personal time!

Manage your clients

Consult as many or as few clients at your convenience by limiting or extending your availability for the 30minutes calls and by accepting or refusing to take on new legal requests!

Work on your own schedule

Ability to perform your consulting duties at your own convenience.

Expand to more clients

Ability to consult users from across the globe without traveling. Share the link to your profile on all your social platforms and on your business cards!.

Provide legal advice and deliver webinars and legal masterclasses to clients from over 130 Districts in Uganda and beyond

a) Steady stream of new clients over the platform
b) Smart calendar via the sync with your Google Calendar
c) Interactive sessions via our video conferencing solution
d) Convenient payment methods
e) Legal webinars and masterclasses option: you fix the time, the topic and the attendance fee – we take care of the rest!
f) Supportive lawyers community – Ask another lawyer and get the community growing!